Saturday, February 20, 2010

VR-Tech Marketing Group and Financial Education Services Developing Millionaires in the next Decade!!

Ten million new millionaires will be created between 2006-2016,
and The Next Millionaires explains how you can become one
of them--especially if you are in direct selling, technology,
home-based business, product distribution!!

The Next Millionaires explains in detail why the 21st century will be known as the age of the entrepreneur, and how you can stake your claim to being one of these next 10 million
millionaires--especially if you are in direct selling with VR-Tech Marketing Group Financial Education Services, technology,
home-based business, product distribution, or an emerging
trillion-dollar industry like wellness. It explains how old models of
opportunity in physical distribution have given way to new
opportunities in intellectual distribution, defined as teaching
people about products or services that they didn't even know exist. And,
drawing on Pilzer's 33 years of experience as an entrepreneur and
employer, it explains how to use your past to find your place in the new
economy and your ticket to becoming one of
The Next Millionaires.

VR-Tech Marketing Group Financial Education Services:

A world of financial services opportunity helping the baby boomer generation plan and improve their understanding about: Credit Scores, Family Protection Planing and Education and prevention against the most common problem such as, identity theft!! with a tremendous business opportunity!!

VR-Tech Marketing Group Financial Services and a Tremendous Business Opportunity!! - VR-Tech Coaching Network




Monday, February 15, 2010

VR-Tech Marketing Group Ppt Presentation


What are some of the things that are required to build your VR-Tech Marketing Group Empire?

Hello VR-Tech Marketing Group Readers,

My name is Fernando Ramirez and I am a proud distributor with VR-Tech Marketing group and I'd like to speak to you face to face and eye to eye about what it will require to build your VR-Tech Marketing Group Dream.

First and for most is, understanding why you have chosen VR-Tech Marketing Group to be the opportunity you've sign up for! What ever the answer is, will determined why you are here. If your answer has to do with creating wealth for you and your family then and only then, I might have the answer you are looking for.

VR-Tech Marketing Group is design to help people with less then perfect credit through our service provider United Credit Education Services. The way we go abut providing our credit restoration services is through and educational approach. When educating potential customers so that they can understand what it will require to restore their credit, than you have done your job as an expert. VR-Tech Marketing Group focuses on the educational aspects of understanding the reason why you'll consume our service. It's all about teaching people about the goodness of our service and the way we go about providing it.

We will give you a 6 month money back guarantee if not fully satisfy. We run your credit report to find out negative areas affecting your credit score so that we can prepare packages for you to send them and sign them. 30 days later the credit reporting agencies will either have deleted negative accounts or, to let us know what is still in dispute. We will continue in like manner for an entire year working hard to help delete negative items from your credit report..

When we start seeing improvements on your credit report is when our customer satisfaction and passion raises to help others in like manner. In addition to deleting negative accounts, we will teach you ways in how to go about protecting through key components when reestablishing a relationship with creditors, lenders, banks and anyone that finances you again, in this manner you will be able to understand what to do to increase credit scores to drop interest rates so that in the long run you can save thousands of dollar$$$

VR-Tech Marketing Group has many more services that are for the benefit of protecting your good name and help protect your wishes for your families financial future.

We are on a crusade educating families all over the country proudly. I made the decision to jump on board 100% when I understood what we stand for. I love the fact that we are average people helping other average folks that are in similar situations.

When I got in the business world back in 1994. I was a plumber with a wife and 2 kids looking for a legit opportunity to educate families like me in the market place. There are way to many families in this country hurting financially that are taken advantage from so call "experts", the only expertise this crooks have is to steal peoples money.

my goal is to find 5 key serious people that want a chance to go out and change the way people in this country view their lives financially.

By teaching 5 individuals that feel in their hearts what we are fighting for and only then, is when we have found people with passion. And our VR-Tech Marketing Group passion creates loyalty!!

We are looking for other like minded individuals that want to build their financial goals and dreams by changing the way families see their finances in our country!

VR-Tech Marketing Group Founders built our company to last, and it will for its rooted principles of opening the eyes of our Nation by educating them in concepts that will change their lives forever!!

When there is no confusion there is understanding, and that is exactly what our VR-Tech Marketing Group Services are all about so that we won't make the same mistakes that have created this confusion in our country economical situation Nation Wide!!

Log in to for more detail information.


VR-Tech Coaching Network Founder
Fernando Ramirez